Thanks and Acknowledgements

Technical Dependencies

Synergize is free and open source software, which uses a number of other open source technologies. They include:

Original Z80 Firmware, SYNHCS source code and Voice Libraries

Synergize would not be possible without access to the excellent documentation, and well commented firmware and SYNHCS Z80 source code donated to the community by Stoney Stockell and Mulogix, Inc. You can find them at a number of locations:

DX7 Converter

Thanks to Don Turnock for his work to develop and bring the DX7 SYX to Synergy converter to Synergize. Jari Kleimola contributed code which was adapted to implement the envelope rate conversion.


Thanks also to Tom Piggott for allowing me to reuse portions of his SYNHCS documentation for this manual. Any errors introduced in the adaptation are entirely mine.

The section describing the Patch registers (the Output, Addr and Freq DSR’s) is adapted from the firmware documentation.