Release Notes


  • Fixes issue #82: CRT editor can’t add voices to a one-voice CRT.
  • Fixes issue #83: Info dialogs now auto-expire, so you do not need to manually dismiss them.
  • Fixes issue #84: The CRT editor sometimes allowed an empty CRT file to be created.


  • Fixes issue #79: semitone values for the oscillator HARM values were encoded incorrectly. “s1” was incorrectly displayed and interpreted for the Synergy value meaning “s11”, “s2” displayed for “s10”, etc.


  • Adds the ability to convert the sequencer events from a SYN file into a MIDI file. See SYN to MIDI Converter
  • Fixes issue #73: SYN files are sanity checked (via its embedded checksum) before loading into the instrument or attempting to convert to MIDI.
  • Fixes issue #74: On some Windows environments, Synergize would fail to start, showing only a single entry in the log.


  • Adds the ability convert Yamaha DX7 SYX files to Synergy CRT and VCE files. Since the two synthesizers do not share identical synthesis pathways, the conversion is approximate. Even so, it is possible to mine the great number of available DX voices and convert to useable Synergy voices. Some can be played without any further tweaking; some can provide a starting point for more Synergy experimentation. Many thanks to Don Turnock for doing most of the heavy lifting in analyzing the DX voicing algorithms and developing the conversion to Synergy VCE. See DX7 to Synergy Converter in the user manual for details.
  • Adds a new Doc tab to the Voice viewer/editor. This will display the contents of the voices associated .DOC file (if there is one in the same directory as the VCE that is being viewed).
  • Adds a new tab to the Synergize.touchosc control surface - “Voice Levels” which provides GDS-like long-throw faders to tune oscillator gain. Added by Don Turnock.
  • Fixes issue #42: The new TouchOSC config also fixes an error that caused it to not support the “DC” harmonic value.
  • Fixes issue #43: The editor did not preserve envelope shape at some gain settings, especially once gain was set to zero.
  • Fixes issue #63: Gain was not updated properly after copying an envelope from a different oscillator.
  • The Windows installer no longer bundles the Synergize-cmd.exe command line diagnostics program. Contact me if you need a copy.
  • Updates the underlying components, most significantly to Electron 11.


  • Implements issue #38: New “Gain” controls for amplitude envelopes. The Voice tab has a gain control for each oscillator. Changing the value scales the oscillator’s Amp envelopes by the corresponding proportion. The Envelope tab has per-envelope gain, so you can control the Low and Up envelopes individually. The control surface interface has new sliders to control these gain controls.
  • Implements issue #37: Support frequency envelope values in range -127 .. 127 (previous version was limited to the range supported by SYNHCS: -61 .. 63). Note: the Synergize.touchosc control surface file has changed to support the new range. Install the new version in order to use the new frequency envelope range.
  • Fixes issue #34: Filter index #4 was mislabeled with the wrong frequency.
  • Fixes issue #35: Attempts to create CRT’s that exceed the max size supported by the Synergy will throw an error.
  • Fixes issue #36: Negative frequency offsets in the envelope table were displayed with incorrect numeric values, making them appear positive.
  • Change of behavior: saving a VCE from the voice editor used to override the Voice Name set in the editor with the first 8 characters of the filename being saved. The editor no longer overrides the Voice Name - use the Voice Name field on the Voice tab to set a new name if you need one.
  • Fixes issue #39: After adding an oscillator, the UI displayed incorrect values for Harmonic, Detune, Wave Type and Keyprop for the exiting oscillators.
  • Fixes issue #30: The up/down cursor images used for the up/down buttons on numeric input controls was difficult to see on Windows. Now use the same cursor on all platforms.
  • Fixes issue #40: Previous versions of Synergize allowed the user to use registers 3 and 4 to specify patch routing. We have recently discovered that the Synergy does not actually support patches defined with these extra two registers, so they are not longer supported by the editor.
  • Adds a new configuration option to enable or disable hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) for serial connections. The default remains “on”, but can be turned off via the Help->Preferences menu. While the Synergy does use flow control, several users have told me that they run their Kaypro/Synergy connections with 3-wire (no flow control) serial cables. USB serial adapters sometimes fail to work with strict flow control.


  • Change in behavior on the Envelopes editor: Fixes issue #25: The scale of the Frequency axis is now Linear so that negative frequency offsets can be displayed. The Logarithmic view is still available via the Freq Scale toggle to match older behavior.
  • Envelope Loop, Retrigger and Sustain points are annotated directly on the envelope graph, making it easier to visualize their effect on the envelope.
  • Fixes issue #28: Synergize represented the ‘dc’ Harmonic offset value incorrectly, resulting in sending partial “31” to the Synergy rather than the proper “dc” code. The UI changes in that “dc” is now placed “before” “s11” instead of “after” “30” (so you need to decrement the Harmonic all the way to the minimum value get “dc” – in prior versions you would increment the Harmonic to its max value to get “dc”.


  • Synergize no longer uses Bonjour/Zeroconf to discover the Synergia virtual instrument. A much more reliable mechanism has been implemented. Requires version Synergia 0.97 beta or later.
    • Bonjour can still be used to configure the interface to the TouchOSC control surface, however this appears to not be particularly reliable on Windows - on Windows please manually configure your OSC connection.
  • Change in behavior: Implements issue #17: If a voice is being viewed when enabling Voice Mode, it is loaded into the editor rather than the default empty voice.
  • Envelope Graph display and editing:
    • Implements issue #24: Points on the Envelope graphs can be dragged directly with a mouse. This can be a lot more intuitive than setting curves via time deltas. You can scroll the graph by dragging the graph background, after which you can then drag a point up into the newly exposed area of the graph. Values can still also be edited via their numeric input control or by the GDS-like OSC control surface.
    • Implements issue #21: The time scale on the envelope chart can now be toggled between logarithmic and linear scales.
    • Fixes issue #22: The implicit start of the amplitude envelope is now displayed as part of the amplitude curve on the Envelope graphs.
  • Similarly, the Filter, Key Proportion and Key EQ graphs are now directly editable via mouse drag. NOTE: if you drag your mouse too quickly, Synergize may not get a mouse event for some indexes in the curve (causing some index values to not be changed as you drag the mouse across the screen). If you see that happen, just drag a little slower…
  • Control Surface issues:
    • Fixes issue #15: Tolerates TouchOSC configurations which have the optional accelerometer, touch or ping messages enabled.
    • Fixes issue #18: Adds address validation for the control surface address. It was possible to specify an invalid address without getting any sort of error message.
    • Fixes issue #20: Mute and solo buttons did not transmit to control surface.
  • Fixes issue #27: When in Voicing Mode, disconnecting the Synergy via Connect->Disconnect Synergy left the Synergize side editor in voicing mode. Now disconnecting the Synergy implicitly turns off voicing mode.


  • Fixes to the serial communications interface that results in far fewer problems (often reported as “timeouts” in previous versions of Synergize). This is a significant improvement, especially when using the iPad control surface interface. All users of older versions are encouraged to upgrade.
  • Support for connecting to the new Synergia virtual Synergy – a chip-level emulation of the Synergy that runs as a VST or AU virtual instrument.
    • During beta testing, we’ve noticed that Synergize sometimes does not discover a running Synergia instance via Bonjour/Zeroconf. Often, toggling the VRAM button in Synergia is enough to get Synergize’s attention. If that does not work, however, you can hardcode Synergia’s network port (shown in green text under the VRAM button) via Synergize’s Help->Preferences menu. We are tracking this issue as issue #13.
  • Support for Bonjour/Zeroconf automatic network configuration.
    • Synergize advertises itself so that TouchOSC can connect to it with a single touch.
    • It can also use zeroconf to search for available TouchOSC devices so you dont have to hardcode their address and port.
    • It uses zeroconf to search for virtual instruments.
    • Zeroconf is enabled for TouchOSC discovery by default, but can be disabled via the Preferences menu.
  • The UI no longer shows the firmware version in the upper left corner of the menu bar. Instead it shows the name of the connected synergy and control surface.
  • The default configuration for the synergize.log is much less verbose
  • Fixes issue #3: removes a limitation on macos: serial port configuration (e.g. baud rate) can be changed without requiring the application to be restarted.


  • Adds support for a Tablet-based TouchOSC external control surface to support “GDS like” editing, with sliders for oscillator tuning, envelopes, filters, key eq and key proportionality.
  • Fixes issue #8: tab moves down columns on the Filter, Key Equalization and Key Proportion tables.
  • Fixes issue #9: the name of “standard patch 6”. SYNHCS called this patch ((1~2)~3) + ((1~2)~4) + ((5~6)~7) + ((5~6)~8), but in fact based on the register assignments it actually uses it should have been called ((1+2)~3) + ((1+2)~4) + ((5+6)~7) + ((5+6)~8) (a simple typo of ~ vs. +). Synergize now uses the corrected text name.
  • Fixes issue #11: type 1 envelopes sometimes erroneously showed loop points.


Synergize now offers parity in functionality vs. SYNHCS (except for some minor convenience features as documented in the TODO).

For those using 1.0.0, this is a major upgrade: Synergize is now an Editor as well as a Librarian. For those testing the 2.0.0-beta, it adds a CRT editor and fixes a number of bugs in the beta functionality. See the release notes for 2.0.0-beta1 and 2.0.0-beta2 for other news.

  • A new User Manual documenting how to use Synergize, and including some of the theory behind the Synergy/GDS voicing architecture and advice on how to get the most out of your patches (adapted from the original SYNHCS manual).
  • Adds support for editing a CRT (clear voices, add voices and save a new .CRT file).
  • Patch routing diagrams generated from the patch table to help visualize the patch routing.
  • Fixes a bug that made the Oscillator SOLO/MUTE functionality sometimes silently [sic] fail to alter oscillator audibility.
  • Fixes a bug in the envelope copying functionality.
  • Fixes a bug in some numeric input edge cases on the envelopes tab.
  • Fixes a bug in the patch register editing
  • Adds new serial port diagnostic command line option -LINKTST to send and receive bytes to the Synergy’s RESTORE Program #4 serial link test. See the Troubleshooting section of the manual for details.


  • Beta test release.
  • Adds support for altering the oscillator patch routing.
  • Adds support for copying filters
  • Adds support for copying envelopes
  • A command-line diagnostics executable is included in the Windows build. (Mac and Linux builds support these command line diagnostics in the main executable). See the Troubleshooting section in HARDWARE for details.


  • Beta test release.
  • This release introduces voice editing functionality. The editor is modeled on, but is not exactly the same as the Kaypro SYNHCS software:
    • Unlike SYNHCS, all editing is done in the application - not via buttons and knobs on the Synergy. Changes made in the editor are immediately transmitted to the Synergy, so you can hear the effect of the parameter change in real time.
    • In some cases (e.g. Vibrato, Timbre, Amplitude and Transpose settings), the Synergy front panel can also be used to alter the values - however if used, the values are not reflected in the Synergize display - only in the Synergy’s VRAM.
    • Most parameter editing is one-for-one the same as in SYNHCS, except for the Oscillator Mute and Solo features. Instead of adopting the Ensemble/Group concepts from SYNHCS, Synergize uses Mute and Solo buttons modelled on DAW conventions (e.g. Logic Pro, Ableton Live - hopefully this is intuitive).
  • SYNHCS functionality that is not implemented:
    • Not yet implemented, but planned:
      • This version only supports the 10 “factory” patch types; “user defined” patch routing is not yet handled.
      • No support yet to copy another oscillator’s parameters/filters, or import filters from another voice.
      • No support yet for creating new CRT’s from existing VCE’s. This will be added, but the main point of this beta is to get user feedback on the basic “editing” functionality and catch any errors in the way parameters are displayed on screen vs. how they affect a Synergy voice.
      • The only way to “clear” the voicing system is to turn off Voicing mode and restart.
    • Functionality not planned to be supported (use a github issue or start a discussion in the Synergize Slack group if you want to make a case that these should be implemented):
      • Performance Program controller (sequence of performance parameters for live performance support).
      • Support for creating or viewing .DOC files
      • Support for printing voicing parameters
      • Support for changing portamento settings via Synergize. Since these values are not stored in the voice file (VCE or CRT), you must change them via the Synergy front panel.
      • “Scaling” the envelope and filter displays. In Synergize, these auto-scale - there’s no support for zooming in or out.
  • Other known limitations with this “beta” release:
    • The menu and buttons are subject to change and improvement.
    • There is an as-yet undiagnosed bug in the CRT parser: the VCART6.CRT can’t be loaded.
    • When you “save” a voice, you are saving what you hear in the Synergy. If there is a serial communication error during editing, the values displayed on the screen may not reflect what has been loaded into the Synergy. I will add some sort of mechanism to re-sync the display with the state of the Synergy. But for now, if you get a timeout during editing, just be aware that the screen no longer displays reality.
  • Fixes some miscellaneous bugs found while implementing the editor:
    • Fixed the voice amplitude proportionality chart - for certain combinations of center and sensitivity it could show an odd discontinuous curve.
    • Fixed display of Wave Type and Key Prop toggle on the Oscillator table.
    • Fixed display of Sustain and Loop points.


  • Voice settings (envelopes, filters, key equalization, key proportionality) are displayed in tabular and graphical formats inspired by the SYNHCS editor.
  • Default window size is a little taller to accomodate new voice settings screens.
  • Tweaked timeout settings to reduce spurious communications timeouts.
  • Linux caveats:
    • Linux testing remains problematic.
      • My virtualized amd64 environment continues to show problems with the Save SYN functionality (i.e. downloads from the Synergy show problems, uploads to it are reliable). I am suspicious of the virtualized serial port config, so can’t be sure there’s really a problem.
      • So, I’ve recycled an old laptop with an old 32-bit version of Ubuntu and tested the 386 version: it’s as reliable as the Mac and Windows ports. Further evidence that the 64-bit version might also be OK and that my test setup is to blame.
      • I have no ability to test the ARM port at all - but know that there is interest in running on raspberry pi, so I’m building it in hopes it works for those that try it.
    • The UI dialog notification glitch noted in release 0.2.0 remains; as noted before, it is annoying but harmless.
    • On Linux, file dialogs often open behind the main window.


  • Beta test release.
  • Fixed serial I/O bugs; communications are much more reliable.
  • Adds preliminary support for Linux
    • Note: the tar.gz contains only an executable, no meta files for desktop menu setup.
    • The Linux UI exposes a bug in the underlying UI framework: when invoking a file dialog, you may see a brief popup dialog saying that the framework “is ready”. This is harmless, but annoying. Mac and Windows do not share this problem.
    • Serial communications behavior on Linux is suspect. In my test setup, loading data to the Synergy is quite reliable, but I get frequent errors when attempting to fetch data (the Save Synergy State functionality). I’m not sure if this is due to a problem with the program or with the hardware in my test setup, so I’m releasing this with these caveats for anyone willing to help out testing on Linux.


  • Beta test release.
  • Supports both Windows and MacOS.
    • Note: the mac release is not “signed”, so you will need to explicitly allow the app from an “unidentified developer” to run on your machine (see
  • Basic librarian functionality:
    • Save and Load “Synergy State” (.SYN) files
    • View and Load “Cartridge” (.CRT) files, including voice details
    • View “Voice” (.VCE) files
    • Disable VRAM
    • Run basic serial port diagnostic test (“Restore+Program 4” AKA COMTST)